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Music Trivia Bot for CAMFROG and PALTALK
Posted on 6/2/2016 1:48:04 PM 3065 days ago
Hi admins, if this question is forbidden, please delete it. Thank you

I was wondering if can you make a Music Trivia Bot for Camfrog and Paltalk? That the users can guess the Artist and Title of the song and theres a point system on it. The bot user has gonna implement the score in a textbox and set the timer if no one got the correct answer. and if the user reach the implemented score on the bot it will reset the score and clears the list of players who played. And it will repeat the process again.

In the Music Player where you load the songs, Winamp player will do.

About the payment, how much is this when this bot is possible? I'm willing to pay for it.

Thank you Mam/Sir's