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Softwares / Apps
HDMusicBot v6.x Updated
TriviaMaster v4.x Updated
KoolText v3.x Updated
RoomProtector v2.7.01
AutoGreeter v3.1
VietLoto v3.8
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Hi [Guest], License / Activation Issues
New Paltalk Client Desktop
Posted on 2/14/2023 5:28:25 PM 528 days ago
If you're using New Paltalk Client and the applications don't see the room, please make sure you choose Multi-Window instead of Single Window.
Tried That Twice
Posted on 8/21/2023 2:48:48 AM 341 days ago
Hello. I see there was an update and have ensured that I was on multi-window on the new version of Paltalk, but there is still an issue. Now I see the room I am in, but it's listed six (6) times in the box. It is not greeting people when they enter the room automatically. It does allow me to type text in the box and then select enter to have it post. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
Posted on 4/21/2024 10:19:10 PM 96 days ago
hi I would like a person for apple Mac desktop please
Posted on 4/21/2024 10:19:50 PM 96 days ago
I would like a version for apple Mac desk top please