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Hi [Guest], License / Activation Issues
App to load cams
Reformed DJ
Posted on 7/9/2023 9:08:46 PM 584 days ago
There use to be an app that I had for classic that would allow you to add people to a cam list...and if you enter a room and they are on cam, it autoloads their cam, as well as if you are in a room and they start their cam, it automatically loads it. You would click on their name in the room, then click on a button on the app to add them to the list.

I believe there was a check box to auto load admins on cam as well.

It was cool because you didn't have to start/stop cams any more just add people to the list and it didn't matter what room you were in...when you go into a room it just worked....

Just curious if you think something like that is possible with the new pal?

Thank you!

-Reformed DJ