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HDMusicBot v6.x Updated
TriviaMaster v4.x Updated
KoolText v3.x Updated
RoomProtector v2.7.01
AutoGreeter v3.1
VietLoto v3.8
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Hi [Guest], License / Activation Issues
new hd music bot
Posted on 9/24/2016 6:10:42 AM 2863 days ago
i downloaded the newest hd music bot Build #798208 - Database #6 and had to re add my admins and they was unable to use any commands to it . It kept telling them they was not authorized to use it , and the link to music link was not there yet . And can you also make the next build to be able to use in beyluxe like your kooltext is , if so thank you . Please keep making the great products wolfy
Posted on 9/24/2016 6:00:50 PM 2862 days ago
Hi, some of the commands are required by Super Admin+, can you check the admin access. To check the access level on the command ... Show all commands -> select the command you like to see ... and click edit. Please give it a try and let me know how it goes.
Posted on 9/25/2016 7:56:13 AM 2862 days ago
nope changing to owner still cause the command window to flash then freezes to where i need to use task manager to close it out
Posted on 9/25/2016 7:58:24 AM 2862 days ago
oops sorry , i use task manager to close the hd bot then i restart it , it shouldn't be that way . before i could do that with 4.1
Posted on 9/25/2016 8:45:08 PM 2861 days ago
Can you tell me the command that you're experiencing issue, I'll do the same on my end to re-create the issue.
Posted on 9/25/2016 10:18:40 PM 2861 days ago
with hd music bot open i click on messenger, then click show commands , then choose any one to edit and it freezes the whole program to where you have to use task manager to close it .

Posted on 9/25/2016 10:22:26 PM 2861 days ago
and the music bot still won't allow my admins use any commands it still gives error you are not authorized , even after making them super admins
Posted on 9/26/2016 3:33:39 PM 2860 days ago
Hi, I'm not able to re-create the issue. What is the operating system are you running? I was able to open Messenger - > Show all commands with no issue.
Posted on 9/27/2016 7:17:00 PM 2859 days ago
running win 7
Posted on 9/27/2016 7:18:12 PM 2859 days ago
i guess we gonna has to get together so i can visually show you the issue if yer able to , please contact me on paltalk
Posted on 9/27/2016 8:45:27 PM 2859 days ago
Can you add my nick to your buddy list "Scripted"? I couldn't send you a pm. thanks
Posted on 9/29/2016 6:53:12 AM 2858 days ago
i am on yer list
we has talked my freind . look on yer list for MR_WOLFY
.I first pmd you 3 nights ago in paltalk
Posted on 9/29/2016 6:21:06 PM 2857 days ago
I have confirmed the issue, will release a new version soon. Thank you for reporting.
Posted on 10/1/2016 1:24:30 PM 2855 days ago
Just want to let you know that HDMusicBot has updated to 4.2.03 to resolve this error. Please give the update a try.