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HDMusicBot v6.x Updated
TriviaMaster v4.x Updated
KoolText v3.x Updated
RoomProtector v2.7.01
AutoGreeter v3.1
VietLoto v3.8
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Hi [Guest], License / Activation Issues
hdmusicbot don't work in the room
Posted on 7/31/2018 10:26:13 AM 2187 days ago
the hdmusicbot pro of a friend which work good before, don't work in the room after windows 10 last updated, no one can hear music played
it only work off line
when my friend pm to you Scripted , you said must updated the hdmusicbot to new version
Since Hdmusicbot work well before last update of Windows and supposed to work lifetime , updating the Bot is only for new features
Thank you for your explanations
Posted on 7/31/2018 10:13:44 PM 2187 days ago
if you're recently updated windows and the bot is not working. I don't think it's the hdmusicbot application, must be something wrong with your update.

I've checked the HDMusicbot worked well with Windows 10. If you still having issue, please contact me via nickname "VNFox" on paltalk.
Posted on 8/3/2018 9:22:53 PM 2184 days ago
Thank you for your explain
my friend has two HDmusicbot
I have three Hdmusicbot
it happen when windows of my friend update to version 1803 , it's very weird because i don't have any trouble with HDMUsicbot with the same version of windows 1803.
Anyway she will contact you
thanks very much
Posted on 8/11/2018 11:28:42 AM 2176 days ago
Xin chào AD VNFox
Không biết vì sao bỗng dưng BotHD music hoạt động phát nhạc online k trơn tru nữa. Khi chọn bàn hát xong, đến việc playing online , thì bot ngưng 1 thời gian đứt đoạn khá lâu mới phá tiếp được, co khi ngưng hẵn luôn. Và lần hoạt động gần đây nhất, Bot thường phát ra 1 đoạn thông báo sau :
An unexpected error has beeb occuredm please contact support team for more information.
Xin báo voi AD để được hổ trợ giúp đỡ, cám ơn trước.
Xin liên lạc voi tôi :
2/ Nang Dong Bang ( nick paltalk )
Thân ái !
Posted on 8/27/2018 6:23:05 AM 2161 days ago
"VNFox" sobre paltalk. buenas noches le escribo para decirle que mi HDMusicacBot no entra a salas y espro me ayuden a solucionarlo
Posted on 8/27/2018 6:40:04 AM 2161 days ago
"VNFox" sobre paltalk. buenas noches le escribo para decirle que mi HDMusicacBot siempre trabajo bien en mi window 7 y ahora no entra a salas desde que instale el NEW PALTALK y espero me ayuden a solucionarlo..
Gracias de antemano.