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Softwares / Apps
HDMusicBot v6.x Updated
TriviaMaster v4.x Updated
KoolText v3.x Updated
RoomProtector v2.7.01
AutoGreeter v3.1
VietLoto v3.8
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Hi [Guest], License / Activation Issues
new version 4.9.2
Posted on 2/5/2019 9:33:30 PM 1998 days ago
Hi VNfox
cho minh hoi new version co gi khac biet ko vay..cho minh biet nha :)
Posted on 3/4/2019 9:52:31 PM 1971 days ago
Trong verison 9.2 co chuc nang clean up
Posted on 3/16/2019 10:39:09 PM 1959 days ago
hi vnfox. cho minh hoi xoa nhac duplication. no' co xoa luon trong HDD cua minh luon ko vay vnfox.
Posted on 3/19/2019 5:10:36 PM 1956 days ago
No, no' chi xoa trong bot thoi ko co' xoa trong computer.
Posted on 3/20/2019 6:25:26 PM 1955 days ago
VNfox co the lam xoa luon trong computer duoc ko
Posted on 4/14/2019 9:17:39 AM 1930 days ago
hi broh S , hinh nhu cai version moi cua HD musicBot co probleme muh ?, moi lan ai viet chu st >> status >> next >> next song la bot nhay len qua troi o trong room luon , co phai la bot dang bi error khong broh ?
Posted on 4/15/2019 12:10:22 AM 1930 days ago
Issue bi nhay la do language text ... Tai trong chu next co chu next. Vao messenger doi language text lai se ok