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HDMusicBot v6.x Updated
TriviaMaster v4.x Updated
KoolText v3.x Updated
RoomProtector v2.7.01
AutoGreeter v3.1
VietLoto v3.8
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Hi [Guest], License / Activation Issues
Hdmusicbot v5.2.2
Posted on 6/9/2019 9:40:52 AM 1875 days ago
hi bro, 2 ngày nay bot' co' problem no' dung' không play .
bro xem email , minh co' gui error log
bro xem tai sao dùm
thanks bro
Posted on 6/11/2019 2:53:50 PM 1872 days ago
hien tai minh ko co' issue vi trong bot. Bro lien lac qua nick "VNFox" trong paltalk duoc ko? Co' gi minh check cho bro.
Posted on 7/9/2019 9:13:12 AM 1845 days ago
hi bro
minh co' pm cho bro VNfox roi
bot co' error dung' bro xem lai dùm chac phai² update bot' roi
thanks bro truoc'
Posted on 3/20/2020 12:27:35 AM 1590 days ago
hey there mike I have paid for the update and it still wont let me use it on this pc it says I have it on a nother pc how can I get it on the pc im using now