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Softwares / Apps
HDMusicBot v6.x Updated
TriviaMaster v4.x Updated
KoolText v3.x Updated
RoomProtector v2.7.01
AutoGreeter v3.1
VietLoto v3.8
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PaltalkHelper Library

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Request for new Features
Posted on 9/19/2019 3:19:37 PM 1772 days ago
More Data Files in Bot to choose like: Movies, Karaoke, Mp3 or Lossless....
Create and Save new Data for new Scan......
Choose Data to play Bot with command like !data Movie or !data 1......
if possible, Connect with Youtube or Youtube windows to search a media...
Connect to HTTP-, FTP-Server to download...
-Host, Username, Password => Connect or Get List => Check Box and Add to Download List.
Play Music over FTP- or HTTP-Server....
-Host, Username, Password => Connect or Get List => Play....
New Design for HD Music Bot....

I'll be there for you :-D..
Tot nhat lam luon moi het, hahaha
Posted on 9/19/2019 4:59:25 PM 1772 days ago
cai' chinh' ko phai? new features can thiet' nhung bot' xài cho new paltalk :d
Posted on 9/19/2019 5:27:44 PM 1772 days ago
minh de la REQUEST.... chu khong phai keu update bot nhu vay trong nay mai. di nhien cai nao can thiet phai lam truoc. may cai khac cung khong can den dau, vi 1 minh minh co la duoc roi :-D
Posted on 9/24/2019 2:46:29 PM 1767 days ago
thank you ca nha` de minh check la.i, minh xem co phan nao add vao features moi duoc ko.