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Hi [Guest], License / Activation Issues
Request song limits
Posted on 12/17/2019 12:11:34 PM 1683 days ago

Could you please help me how to limit the song request per member. I did the limit setting to 1 but users can still add to the queue after the first request has been played. Is there any way to limit the request?

Thanks for your help.
Reformed DJ
Posted on 12/17/2019 11:20:16 PM 1683 days ago
The request limit is only for the number of songs that can sit in the queue...once the song plays...they can request more if the number is 3, then can have up to 3 songs in the queue...then as soon as 1 plays, they can add another.
Posted on 12/18/2019 2:41:33 PM 1682 days ago
I understand that. Is there a way to limit the songs per day? if not, can you add that feature? Thanks
Posted on 12/20/2019 4:20:35 AM 1681 days ago
hi, sorry for the late reply. Can you please explain more details on the "limitation by day" ?

Is it like a user can't add more than 100 songs / day? I'm a bit confuse. If you can provide more details I might be able to help.
Posted on 12/20/2019 2:42:06 PM 1680 days ago
Yes, that's exactly what I am looking for, Limit the user to add only 2 songs per day.

Thanks for your help.
Posted on 12/31/2019 4:07:18 AM 1670 days ago
ok it's added to my "enhanced features." Hopefully it will be available soon.