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Softwares / Apps
HDMusicBot v6.x Updated
TriviaMaster v4.x Updated
KoolText v3.x Updated
RoomProtector v2.7.01
AutoGreeter v3.1
VietLoto v3.8
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New Pal Update broke Trivia
Posted on 5/8/2023 3:46:51 PM 445 days ago
Any way to get a quick update to the trivia master? Paltalk updated their client and now it wont work at all on New paltalk, it does work on classic but many can no longer log into classic pal is trying hard to get us off it.

I have my main nic that can get on classic but no other nics I have will, and I don't want to always use trivia on my main nic so is there a chance to do a quick update to work again on New Pal?

Posted on 5/9/2023 5:22:28 AM 445 days ago
KoolText also stopped working after the recent update. I guess paltalk are deliberately trying to disrupt our bots.
Posted on 6/4/2023 1:45:03 AM 419 days ago
VN, can we please have updates to the HDMusicbot and Trivia that work with the latest version of Paltalk that broke both of them....neither are reading user input, they ARE sending text to the room, but no one can issue commands or participate in the trivia....

My trivia machine had a forced reboot due to a power outage and of course paltalk upgraded and broke it. We are starting to get complaints from users.

I admire the work you are doing with Paltalk to get bots to work...but as of right now, with the latest version of Paltalk they are broken. I know I speak for all of us, we would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you!

-Reformed DJ
Posted on 6/4/2023 5:06:50 AM 419 days ago
it would be great if you can include the Paltalk GA build number.
Posted on 6/5/2023 1:45:34 AM 418 days ago
Sure Thing....this was just installed 2 days ago when I lost power at my house for 30 minutes causing Pal to restart and update..I was holding off as long as I could from the GA build info I gave you before, where Trivia was working but still having the problems that were mentioned in different posts in the forum.

1.29.190567 GA

Thank you!

Posted on 6/24/2023 11:08:47 PM 398 days ago
Actually VNFox I apologize for not getting back to this sooner, but it is really working great on classic, just like normal no issues at all!

On new pal though it will post the question just not accept the answers.
Posted on 7/8/2023 3:16:34 AM 385 days ago
Latest Pal update and latest version of Trivia (4.1.0) works beautifully.....

Reformed DJ
Posted on 7/10/2023 12:16:22 AM 383 days ago
Trivia is working great for the most part....there is still the occasional glitch where it repeats a questions, or solution and skips to next reported before, but i am being told it is MUCH better....Thank you!