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Hi [Guest], License / Activation Issues
Reactivation (2nd Post)
Posted on 9/23/2016 9:44:16 PM 2863 days ago
My original post 9-18-16: "Why do I have to constantly reactivate my product? Seems like every 2nd or 3rd time I log onto it, I have to re-enter my code and license. Why? Can you correct this please or is this the way your product works? It's quite annoying."

Administrater's reply: "Hi, You should only need to activate the key one time. Unless you format your computer and change operating system. If you still experiencing the activation issue, please let me know."

My reply today 9-23-16: It's making me Activate again today. I've used it once since I made this post, I think, 3 or 4 times since I first made this post; however, I have opened it up a couple additional times to edit/add questions. Mostly likely will not be needing to format or change OS for a while since this computer is brand new.

P.S. I tried adding post onto my other post but I kept getting an error saying try again or contact support team. Well, I don't know how to contact support team except through these forums...sorry for the extra post.
Posted on 9/24/2016 6:09:54 PM 2862 days ago
Sorry, the issue that it might caused. I'll take a look at the issue and post a reply soon.

Sorry for the error, I have fixed the issue and you should be able to post a reply. If you are still experiencing error please let me know.