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Softwares / Apps
HDMusicBot v6.x Updated
TriviaMaster v4.x Updated
KoolText v3.x Updated
RoomProtector v2.7.01
AutoGreeter v3.1
VietLoto v3.8
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PaltalkHelper Library

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Hi [Guest], License / Activation Issues
about reset root command of the HDMusicBot
Posted on 1/27/2018 8:11:13 AM 2372 days ago
hi again.1 did email to you to ask the problem of my HDMusicBot which is i purchased few weeks ago ,even i asked you to send me another serial KEY.but until now is more than 4 weeks i still can not ues the Music Bot .whenever i tried to use it l can not add any songs anh its not running at all it show >> No method [commandAddAll
  • is invoked for
  • [hd_add_all
  • << every time when i add songs.would you please check my details anh reply my question to me as soon as possible so i can use the Music Bot in my room in PALTALK .COM My ID 206440359809 .Serial Key 4C8BD3909A36CA4C76979 purchased on 30/12/2017.please reply to my email
    imlooking forward to hear from you as soon as possble.many thanks Mr Vinh Ninh Hua
  • VNFox
    Posted on 1/27/2018 10:31:52 PM 2372 days ago
    Hi, did you try to add with command hd_add instead of hd_add_all. Can you contact me via nickname "Scripted" on Pal. I'll glad to get it resolve for you.