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Hi [Guest], License / Activation Issues
My Server - RoomProtector
Posted on 10/6/2019 5:44:51 AM 1811 days ago
Hello, I am running my RoomProtector on my (Windows 10 VPS) , Everything works very good ,, Except one important thig (!kick) its not working.. It does detect the kicked user and STUCKED on the bounce BOX to write the Complaint! ,,

It should write it directly , but its not ,, How to fix this please ?
Posted on 10/6/2019 8:23:42 AM 1811 days ago

Cheers just resolved.
Posted on 10/8/2019 11:25:00 PM 1809 days ago
Few new features are updated in the newest version. Feel free to give it an update. Thanks for letting me know.